Typical Estonian dishes. A variety that you cannot miss!

Estonia is a country with a rather peculiar culture, and its gastronomy does not escape this label. In this complete article I will teach you everything you need to know about Estonian gastronomy and typical dishes.
Gastronomy in Estonia is one of the factors in greatest demand by tourists in the country. The attractive typical dishes of this town attract the attention of cooking enthusiasts from all over the world, and with good reason, because in its culture you will find a great variety of exotic, intense and exquisite flavors.
It is thanks to that that you cannot miss a single detail on this subject. Let’s see!
Rye bread or black bread
In Estonia, the staple food you can find on every corner is black bread, made from rye flour. This bread is the default companion that you will find in almost all Estonian cupboards and it can complement any dish that is prepared separately.
The shops of the region have numerous variations of this bread, produced on a massive scale due to its demand; However, it is very common that for natives, the most feasible option is to prepare it at home by hand.
Rye bread has a dark hue that contrasts well with its rich, delicious flavor. It is usually found with herring species or soups.
The kiluvoileib is evidence of how exotic and attractive Estonian cuisine can be. It is one of the most common dishes in the region and consists of a relatively easy recipe.
It is a slice of bread covered with gray fish, wrapped in egg and all kinds of condiments. The preparation of this typical dish can vary greatly from cook to cook, but even so, it is undeniable that this meal defines the typical breakfast of an entire nation.
The mulgipuder is one of the dishes that, born in a small area of the country, spread throughout the region to become a typical dish renowned throughout Europe.
Its preparation consists of mixing mashed potatoes with oats, asparagus and pork chop, to later be covered with dressings of each person’s choice.
This plate is one of the most symbolic, since in ancient times it was used to commemorate special events and meetings of great renown in society.
Vastlakukkel is one of the most popular desserts in the entire Estonian region. It is a kind of fluffy bread that is filled with cream and vanilla to later bathe with icing and powdered sugar.
Its provocative appearance attracts the gaze of more than one tourist at all times of the year; However, this aperitif is famous in Estonia since it is a tendency to consume it at Karnevali festivals.
This aperitif cannot be overlooked among the many typical Estonian dishes. It is a very healthy and common traditional delicacy in regional gastronomy due to its practical and affordable recipe.
To prepare a verikkak you only have to extract the crust of a pumpkin and, therefore, cook with numerous spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, among others. Once this is done, it is stored in containers and is perfect both as a complement to more complete dishes, or as an aperitif between meals.
Chances are, when it comes to desserts to choose from in Estonia, kama is the most renowned, both by the natives and by the lucky tourists who come to try this culinary wonder.
Kama can be classified as an “exclusive” dessert in the country, due to its scarcity in the rest of the world.
If you want to make kama, you need to get rye flour, barley flour, peas, and oats. To get to work you simply cook these ingredients and add sugar to the mixture. The result will be a very healthy food, with a characteristic flavor and texture that carries in itself all the essence of Estonia.
Milk can be added to the mixture, strawberries, syrup and vanilla. It is certainly the Estonian breakfast that everyone should try sometime.

Aspic is one of the most peculiar dishes that you could find frequently if you ever visit Estonia. As strange as it may seem, the natives love this mix of jellies from pigs and other meats.
To achieve an aspic that looks like it came from an Estonian home, you must extract the fat from the pork and add all kinds of vegetables, seasonings and fruits to create a jelly.
Although it sounds unpleasant to many, the result of the preparation comes to seem more appetizing than it is heard.
Kvass is a typical Estonian drink that is obtained through a long process of fermentation of rye. Estonians love to consume this non-alcoholic drink that tastes slightly similar to that of soda or beer.
This drink is not only used to be consumed as a snack, but it can also be the essential ingredient in soups and desserts.
The elements most often used in the recipe for this drink are flour, malt, spices, and, of course, rye. It has an acidic but refreshing taste.
Baltic herring
Finally, in this list you will find an element that can not be missing in any Estonian dish so that it has the true national essential: the Baltic herring.
This type of herring is a national symbol of Estonia that has a great presence in the country’s gastronomy. Preparing it in true Estonian style is not very difficult, however, giving it the perfect seasoning can be complex when it comes to resembling its Estonian origin.
It is often served with mashed potatoes, kiluvoileib, aspic, among others.
Historical list of typical Estonian dishes
You may be wondering what makes Estonian food so attractive? The answer lies in its history. For a long time, in ancient times, Estonia was the victim of numerous and constant invasions at the hands of neighboring peoples. This caused its culinary culture to be strongly influenced by typical features of many other regions.
In this sense, that is why the gastronomy in Estonia has such a varied and rich menu.